Friday, February 14, 2014

High Five for Friday

This will soon be my view. Not a flake of snow in sight!

Well, another week is coming to a close, and I couldn't be much happier. Especially since I'm off for Presidents' Day on Monday, so I have three days of relaxation approaching. Here are some highlights from my week:

1. Eight days until Mexico! I am super excited. I've been gathering up my beachwear (buying flip-flops while it's snowing will get you some strange looks, FYI) and I'm planning to pack this weekend. I cannot wait!

2. I finally took the plunge and hired a cleaning service to come clean my house, and IT. IS. GLORIOUS. My house looks great, it was relatively affordable, and I no longer feel guilty/stressed that my house is a mess when I have no time/desire to clean it. Totally worth it.

Source: EW

3. I've started re-watching Veronica Mars in anticipation of the movie, and I am in love. Every time I watch this show, my affection for it grows. It's so witty and smart.

4. After some major slip-ups last week, I've stayed on track with my food and workouts all week. It's been hard to resist the treats, but I'm trying to stay strong for another week.

5. Our tax refund came on Tuesday! The upside of being a nerd and filing your taxes in January is that you get your refund pretty dang quickly.

Have a wonderful long weekend, y'all! Linking up with the lovely ladies below.

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  1. Happy Friday! Found your blog through the link ups. Mexico? Lucky...enjoy! We have part of our tax return happy!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Yeah, I'm going as a 30th birthday celebration so it's been in the works for a while, and I can barely contain my excitement at this point. :)

  2. You're going to have an amazing vacation! That's been my view for the past few days, and I'm definitely not looking forward to getting back to the cold soon. Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh yeah, having a cleaning service come is TOTALLY worth it. It's more affordable than people assume, and there is nothing like coming home to a clean house without having done anything. Enjoy Mexico! I'm totally jealous of your vacation!

  4. AAAAAHHHH MEXICO!!! Yes, please!!!!! I know it will sound/look/feel/BE AMAZING! Helloooooo, warm weather! Cheers to that!!! xx

  5. I'd love to be traveling any where warmer right now. I can imagine the looks you got buying flip flops haha.

    1. I always find myself yearning for the beach in February. Unfortunately, they'll still be a few months left of snowy weather when I get back. :( Thanks for stopping by!
