I've pretty much been MIA from the blog lately, and for that, I apologize. Or maybe it's more of a #sorrynotsorry situation. I've had a deep think about why I never feel like blogging, and I think I've pinned it down.
I decided to start a blog to get back to writing on a regular basis, but sometimes life is crazy busy, and it's become somewhat of an obligation (at least in my mind; no one is actually forcing me to blog). I didn't get into this with the idea that it would someday become my primary source of income or anything, and yet now I feel compelled to participate in link-ups and follow people back and "grow my blog." I mean, it's great if people read this and find it funny/relatable/whatever, and I like interacting with other bloggers, but I'm going to stop concerning myself with stats and such as much as I do.
In the same vein, I'm going to be more real. I don't think I was really hiding myself before, but I was definitely just scratching the surface of my thoughts and feelings in hopes of not alienating people/appealing to a wider audience. Fuck that noise! So while you shouldn't expect a whole lot of "Dear Diary"-type confessions, I'm going to make less of an effort to stifle my personality and thoughts. Basically, this means more cursing, so brace yourself. :)
So yes. I'm hoping now that the pressure's off, you'll be hearing from me more frequently. Or maybe you won't. Only time will tell ...
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Friday, March 21, 2014
High Five for Friday
Holy crap, it's Friday again! I am finally returning to the land of the functional after arriving home from Vegas at 2 a.m. Monday morning. Seriously, it was all I could do to keep my eyes open on Monday and Tuesday, I can't remember ever being that tired before. But I'm awake now and hoping to catch up on blog posts this weekend and share more details about my trip. Until then, here are my favorite things from this past week:
1) Vegas was SO. MUCH. FUN. I got to catch up with two of my oldest friends, and I met five ladies who were so sweet and fun. We danced, sat by the pool, and had many adventures. Such a good time. Can't wait to see everyone again at the wedding in May!
2) I am a little obsessed with "Drunk in Love" – I heard it weeks ago, and it didn't really do anything for me, but something clicked and I listened to it on repeat all day on Wednesday. Side note: Not a good song to have stuck in your head at the office; the lyrics are not exactly work-appropriate.
3) Divergent comes out today! I really enjoyed the book (I'm halfway through the second one now) and I'm excited to see how it translates to film. Also, Shailene Woodley seems really cool. I wasn't a fan of hers in the Secret Life of the American Teenager days, but she seems like a chilled-out hippie even though she's part of Hollywood (which I love), and I want her hairstyle.
4) My mom had shoulder surgery on Wednesday, and it went really well. She'll have to take it easy for the next few weeks, but I'm grateful that she's doing well and on the road to recovery.
5) Hazed & Confused ice cream. These core things are amazing – this one is hazelnut and chocolate ice cream with a hazelnut fudge core, but they have others with caramel, peanut butter, jam, etc. It was hard to decide which one to try, but this kind is delicious! It's like Nutella in ice-cream form, and how could that be anything but awesome?
What were the highlights of your week? Linking up with Lauren, Jennie, and the Five on Friday ladies, check out their blogs below!
1) Vegas was SO. MUCH. FUN. I got to catch up with two of my oldest friends, and I met five ladies who were so sweet and fun. We danced, sat by the pool, and had many adventures. Such a good time. Can't wait to see everyone again at the wedding in May!
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The group – minus Brian, our token male bachelorette party guest. |
3) Divergent comes out today! I really enjoyed the book (I'm halfway through the second one now) and I'm excited to see how it translates to film. Also, Shailene Woodley seems really cool. I wasn't a fan of hers in the Secret Life of the American Teenager days, but she seems like a chilled-out hippie even though she's part of Hollywood (which I love), and I want her hairstyle.
4) My mom had shoulder surgery on Wednesday, and it went really well. She'll have to take it easy for the next few weeks, but I'm grateful that she's doing well and on the road to recovery.
5) Hazed & Confused ice cream. These core things are amazing – this one is hazelnut and chocolate ice cream with a hazelnut fudge core, but they have others with caramel, peanut butter, jam, etc. It was hard to decide which one to try, but this kind is delicious! It's like Nutella in ice-cream form, and how could that be anything but awesome?
What were the highlights of your week? Linking up with Lauren, Jennie, and the Five on Friday ladies, check out their blogs below!

Friday, March 14, 2014
High Five for Friday
Sometimes I forget how beautiful Colorado is. |
Friday has arrived once again, thank goodness. Last week seemed long because I was just getting back from vacation, and this week seemed long because I was getting ready to head out on another trip! Obviously, my day-to-day life is not as exciting as all the traveling I've been doing lately. But now it's Friday, I am (hopefully) poolside, and all is right with the world. Here are some highlights from my week:
1. Daylight-saving time started this week! I LOVE IT. On Monday it was warm and I got home before it was dark outside, so I went for a walk around my neighborhood (and observed the gorgeous view above).
2. It's bachelorette party time! After weeks of planning, I am currently in Las Vegas to host my friend's bachelorette party. I don't know most of the girls, but we've been swapping emails for months now, so I'm excited to meet them and have tons of fun.
3. Quest bars - I am loving these lately. The brownie flavor is good, but the Cookies and Cream is awesome! I'm not replacing meals with them or anything, but they're great for satisfying my sweet tooth or calming me down when I get hangry (hunger-induced anger).
4. The Veronica Mars movie opens today! I'm totally obsessed with the TV show and contributed to the Kickstarter to fund the movie, so I cannot wait to watch it.
5. After weeks and weeks of slacking, I'm back to going to the gym on a regular basis, and it feels good. Except for the part where I feel like I might die when I'm running sprints. But I feel better AFTER the workouts, at least.
I'll be back next week with a recap of my trip, but until then, I hope you have an excellent weekend! As usual, linking up with the ladies below.

Thursday, March 13, 2014
Things I Used to Love: Veronica Mars
My Veronica Mars collection -- the series on DVD, and the T-shirt and stickers that were part of my Kickstarter goodies. |
Oh, Veronica Mars. My love for this show is deep and true. Every time I rewatch it, I my appreciation for it grows (which is not always the case with shows from my younger years). I find these posts are hardest to write about the things I still love, because it's hard to express why something is important to you. "Because it's so, so awesome!" doesn't make for an interesting read. So I will try to keep the straight-up gushing to a minimum.
Some background: Veronica Mars was a TV show that aired from 2004-2007, first on UPN and then on the newly formed CW network. IMDB describes the premise of the show as follows:
"After her best friend is murdered and her father is removed as county sheriff, Veronica Mars dedicates her life to cracking the toughest mysteries in the affluent town of Neptune."That's technically accurate, but it's really lacking the heart of the show. Veronica is whip-smart and feisty, and has all the best comebacks and one-liners. Formerly popular, she's now an outcast, but her social status only fuels her sassiness. She is kind to those whom she feels deserve it, but certainly not someone you'd want to cross.
I came across Veronica Mars on winter break 2005-2006. I had surgery and spent most of my break on the couch, consuming media in mass quantities. I picked VM out at the video store and plowed through the first season in a day or two. The second season was currently airing, so I jumped aboard midseason (although I didn't have a strong grasp on what was going on) and watched religiously for the rest of its run.
One of my favorite parts about the show is Veronica's relationship with her dad. Their rapport is admirable, but never hokey. He treats her like an adult for the most part, but still cares deeply for her, and her pain when she disappoints him is palpable.
Then there's Veronica's love life. She pretty much always has a man around, but her romantic endeavors are hardly the focus of the show. The main love interests were Duncan, her murdered best friend's brother and clean-cut billionaire; Logan, the rich-kid bad-boy with whom she has a love-hate relationship; and Piz, the sweet, smart college boy (and the hottest of the three, in my opinion). Many believe that Logan and Veronica (couple name: LoVe) are meant for each other, but I prefer not to choose favorites in this case. I can see how Piz and Logan could both be good matches.
There were a host of before-they-were-stars guest stars, including: Melissa Leo, Jessica Chastain, Ari Graynor, Armie Hammer, Max Greenfield, etc. And a few after-they-were-stars appearances by '90s faves Rider Strong (Boy Meets World), Zachery Ty Bryan, and Jonathan Taylor Thomas (from Home Improvement). It's pretty fun to re-watch and see people you know recognize pop up in random roles.
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This has nothing to do with anything, but I think it's one of the funniest lines of the series. |
While the first season definitely got me hooked, the second season is my favorite. Veronica and Mac bond, the season-long mystery has a lot of twists and turns, and Veronica has all the love interests. The third season switches gears a bit, as we find Veronica attending Hearst College (still in Neptune). I thought there was some thought-provoking commentary about rape in this season, and the serious subject matter matched the slowed-down theme song (though I prefer the upbeat version). I know they were trying to tweak the show to appease the network and avoid cancellation, so they opted for several shorter mystery arcs (rather than a season-long issue, as they had done in past years). The last two episodes of the series open up this whole new can of worms, and leave the audience with absolutely no closure.
I was pretty gutted when the series got cancelled in 2007. Once it was identified as a "bubble" show (likely to get cancelled), I wrote letters to the network, signed online petitions, and Googled furiously for any news the day of the CW upfronts. The series finale was so deeply unsatisfying, how could they leave it with so many loose ends?
Fortunately for me, I wasn't the only one who wasn't ready to say goodbye to Veronica. Last spring, Kristen Bell and Rob Thomas (the show's creator, not the guy from Matchbox 20) hatched a plan to bring Veronica back in the form of a feature film, and said Kickstarter-funded movie comes out tomorrow! I love the inventive way they went about getting this movie made, and I was happy to shell out $50 for a chance to have more V. Mars (and some pretty sweet swag). I'm suuuuper excited to see the movie. AMC is doing special opening-night screenings this evening, but since I will be en route to Vegas, I cannot attend (rough life, I know). But I plan to watch it as soon as possible upon returning home, and I have already purchased my tickets for a Monday-morning show. I can't wait to see what happens.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
My Favorite Podcasts
You've probably heard me complain about it before, but in case you missed it: I have a pretty long commute. I live north of Denver and work on the south end, about 35 miles away. So it can take me a while (particularly if it's snowing/has snowed/someone saw a single flake float by) to get to/from work. I often think about all of the things I could do with the hours I spend in the car, but since I have to keep my eyes on the road, my options are limited. So until those cars that drive themselves become readily available, I listen to podcasts to make my drive a little more enjoyable.
To listen, I downloaded the Podcast app on my iPhone, but you can also stream from the host's site. I like the app, because it automatically downloads new episodes from all of the shows I subscribe to, so I always have fresh episodes when I'm on the road. I am perpetually changing my subscription list, trying new 'casts I hear of or dropping ones that no longer interest me, but I keep a fairly eclectic mix. Some are polished, recorded in a studio and run by producers, and others are more raw, coming to us straight from someone's living room. Below are some of my favorites.
Call Chelsea Peretti: This is my absolute favorite podcast. Chelsea Peretti is a writer (Parks and Rec), comedian, and actor (Brooklyn Nine-Nine). I was originally introduced to her when she opened for Aziz Ansari on his stand-up tour, and now I kind of love her. She's totally silly, but also occasionally sweet. She takes calls from randoms and the topics are always all over the place (food tests, bear stories, gushing about puppies, etc.), but it never fails to be hilarious. And her sound effects and "Coffee Crankin'" song are epic. Also, she sometimes calls her grandma, who is quite the character. Kind of related: I had a dream last week that I worked with Chelsea, and she died. I was really sad, until she hid in my house to inform me she had faked her death and everything was going to be OK. I might need to stop watching Veronica Mars before bed.
This American Life: This show has been around for years and years, broadcast primarily on public radio stations, but I'd never listened to it before subscribing to the podcast a few months ago. It offers a deep dive into one aspect of American life each week, with topics ranging from life on an aircraft carrier in wartime, to employees at a car dealership on Long Island who are trying to meet their monthly sales goals. The weekly theme is often not a topic I would investigate myself, but I'm always fascinated by the stories.
Girl on Guy: Comedian/actor/host/all-around awesome person Aisha Tyler hosts this podcast, which is a series of one-on-one interviews. The name comes from her desire to talk about "guy" things -- she's a gamer, and doesn't really identify as much of a girly-girl. But she's whip-smart and a great interviewer, so I find I'm always interested in what she and her guest have to say, even if I've never heard of them before I tune in.
I Seem Fun: The Diary of Jen Kirkman Podcast: Jen Kirkman is a comedian who writes for Chelsea Lately, but I know her from her amazing book, I Can Barely Take Care of Myself: Tales From a Happy Life Without Kids. I didn't know she had a podcast until she was a guest on Alison Rosen is Your New Best Friend (see below), but I subscribed immediately and have really enjoyed it since. She sings, talks about her single/child-free life, calls her parents, and basically just shoots the shit. It's like talking to a girlfriend, except she can't hear you if you try to talk back.
Savage Lovecast: I first discovered Dan Savage via the MTV show Savage U, where he toured the country talking to college kids about sex and relationships. He writes an advice column on those same topics, and the podcast is basically an oral version of that. I like how frank Dan is with the callers; he doesn't pull punches and says what he's thinking. Plus, I don't have much drama in my own romantic life, so it's kinda fun to hear about the predicaments people get themselves into.
Alison Rosen is Your New Best Friend: She does two shows a week, but I usually only listen to the Thursday shows. Alison, Gary, Chris, Matt and Jenna (everyone except Jenna works for Adam Carolla is some capacity) discuss whatever strikes their fancy. Most members of the group are around my age, so a lot of the topics are relatable and often hilarious (e.g., they've spent hours debating the hierarchy of best-tasting Skittle flavors, and whether butter sandwiches are a thing). They also have a segment called "Just Me or Everyone" where listeners can write in their odd behaviors and find out if other people do it, or if it really is just them.
Are you a podcast listener? If so, any recommedations for me?
To listen, I downloaded the Podcast app on my iPhone, but you can also stream from the host's site. I like the app, because it automatically downloads new episodes from all of the shows I subscribe to, so I always have fresh episodes when I'm on the road. I am perpetually changing my subscription list, trying new 'casts I hear of or dropping ones that no longer interest me, but I keep a fairly eclectic mix. Some are polished, recorded in a studio and run by producers, and others are more raw, coming to us straight from someone's living room. Below are some of my favorites.
Call Chelsea Peretti: This is my absolute favorite podcast. Chelsea Peretti is a writer (Parks and Rec), comedian, and actor (Brooklyn Nine-Nine). I was originally introduced to her when she opened for Aziz Ansari on his stand-up tour, and now I kind of love her. She's totally silly, but also occasionally sweet. She takes calls from randoms and the topics are always all over the place (food tests, bear stories, gushing about puppies, etc.), but it never fails to be hilarious. And her sound effects and "Coffee Crankin'" song are epic. Also, she sometimes calls her grandma, who is quite the character. Kind of related: I had a dream last week that I worked with Chelsea, and she died. I was really sad, until she hid in my house to inform me she had faked her death and everything was going to be OK. I might need to stop watching Veronica Mars before bed.
This American Life: This show has been around for years and years, broadcast primarily on public radio stations, but I'd never listened to it before subscribing to the podcast a few months ago. It offers a deep dive into one aspect of American life each week, with topics ranging from life on an aircraft carrier in wartime, to employees at a car dealership on Long Island who are trying to meet their monthly sales goals. The weekly theme is often not a topic I would investigate myself, but I'm always fascinated by the stories.
Girl on Guy: Comedian/actor/host/all-around awesome person Aisha Tyler hosts this podcast, which is a series of one-on-one interviews. The name comes from her desire to talk about "guy" things -- she's a gamer, and doesn't really identify as much of a girly-girl. But she's whip-smart and a great interviewer, so I find I'm always interested in what she and her guest have to say, even if I've never heard of them before I tune in.
I Seem Fun: The Diary of Jen Kirkman Podcast: Jen Kirkman is a comedian who writes for Chelsea Lately, but I know her from her amazing book, I Can Barely Take Care of Myself: Tales From a Happy Life Without Kids. I didn't know she had a podcast until she was a guest on Alison Rosen is Your New Best Friend (see below), but I subscribed immediately and have really enjoyed it since. She sings, talks about her single/child-free life, calls her parents, and basically just shoots the shit. It's like talking to a girlfriend, except she can't hear you if you try to talk back.
Savage Lovecast: I first discovered Dan Savage via the MTV show Savage U, where he toured the country talking to college kids about sex and relationships. He writes an advice column on those same topics, and the podcast is basically an oral version of that. I like how frank Dan is with the callers; he doesn't pull punches and says what he's thinking. Plus, I don't have much drama in my own romantic life, so it's kinda fun to hear about the predicaments people get themselves into.
Alison Rosen is Your New Best Friend: She does two shows a week, but I usually only listen to the Thursday shows. Alison, Gary, Chris, Matt and Jenna (everyone except Jenna works for Adam Carolla is some capacity) discuss whatever strikes their fancy. Most members of the group are around my age, so a lot of the topics are relatable and often hilarious (e.g., they've spent hours debating the hierarchy of best-tasting Skittle flavors, and whether butter sandwiches are a thing). They also have a segment called "Just Me or Everyone" where listeners can write in their odd behaviors and find out if other people do it, or if it really is just them.
Are you a podcast listener? If so, any recommedations for me?
Friday, March 7, 2014
High Five for Friday
Friday has arrived once again! Since this was my first week back at work after vacation, I'm happier than usual to see it. Here are some of the high points from my week:
1. Mexico trip! It was absolutely fabulous. In addition to the hanging out at the stunning beach above, I got to spend a week with my mom and sister, two of my favorite ladies.
Lin, Mom, and me. The only pic I managed to take of the three of us all week. |
2. Bachelorette planning - I'm throwing my friend's bachelorette party in Vegas next weekend, and I'm very excited. I've been shopping for decorations and putting together little "survival kits" with snacks, hangover cures, etc. So much fun!
3. T. Bob and I officially became a couple eight years ago today. We tend to celebrate on our wedding anniversary these days, but I always remember this date fondly.
4. I read Divergent on my trip, and I really enjoyed it. Similar vibe to The Hunger Games, but different enough to still be interesting. I can't wait to watch the movie and compare!
5. I've heard Pharrell's "Happy" several times, but it's been really stuck in my head since he performed at the Oscars on Sunday. The song is so upbeat and fun, and him dancing with Lupita Nyong'o and Amy Adams was totally adorable. Still don't really get the penis-hat thing, though. That is not cute.
3. T. Bob and I officially became a couple eight years ago today. We tend to celebrate on our wedding anniversary these days, but I always remember this date fondly.
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T. Bob and me in 2006. I'm glad my style has evolved a bit since then, eesh! |
4. I read Divergent on my trip, and I really enjoyed it. Similar vibe to The Hunger Games, but different enough to still be interesting. I can't wait to watch the movie and compare!
5. I've heard Pharrell's "Happy" several times, but it's been really stuck in my head since he performed at the Oscars on Sunday. The song is so upbeat and fun, and him dancing with Lupita Nyong'o and Amy Adams was totally adorable. Still don't really get the penis-hat thing, though. That is not cute.

Thursday, March 6, 2014
Things I Used to Love: Converse All-Stars
Today is an exciting day, folks. I'm breaking out of my comfort zone and am going to discuss something that isn't a movie or TV show for Things I Used to Love Thursday. Living life on the edge, what what!
Today's focus: Converse All-Stars (AKA Converse, Chuck Taylors, Chucks, etc.). My obsession with these shoes started in the late '90s, when I purchased (probably more like my mom bought me) my first pair: black low-tops, the classic choice. Many hours of my middle- and high-school days were spent in these kicks, often doodling on the white rubber toes and sides. Sadly, this was before the days of the camera phone, so I don't have any pics to commemorate this period. After the black pair, I branched out. I had pink high-tops, navy lows, and several more black pairs (I wore through them rather quickly).
To me, they represented cool. But not cool-kid cool, alterna-cool. Like hipster, but before hipsters were a thing. I saw myself as very "other" in high school, and these shoes were an outward manifestation of that. They were unisex, and rock stars wore them: who didn't want to wear the same shoes as The Ramones, Curt Kobain, etc.? Heck, even Danny Zuko wore them when he joined the basketball team in Grease.
While I don't wear them on the daily as I did in my youth (as they're a little too casual for a "business casual" dress code), I'm still a big fan of these shoes. They're canvas (as a vegetarian, I try not to wear leather), cute, and they come in tons of fun colors (though bright blue might cause me to lose some of my hipster cred).
T. Bob knows of my love for Chucks, so in 2008 he got me the ultimate birthday gift: a personalized pair. Six years later, they're a little worse for wear, but still very special to me. This pair, and Chucks in general, will always have a place in my heart (or at least my closet).
Today's focus: Converse All-Stars (AKA Converse, Chuck Taylors, Chucks, etc.). My obsession with these shoes started in the late '90s, when I purchased (probably more like my mom bought me) my first pair: black low-tops, the classic choice. Many hours of my middle- and high-school days were spent in these kicks, often doodling on the white rubber toes and sides. Sadly, this was before the days of the camera phone, so I don't have any pics to commemorate this period. After the black pair, I branched out. I had pink high-tops, navy lows, and several more black pairs (I wore through them rather quickly).
To me, they represented cool. But not cool-kid cool, alterna-cool. Like hipster, but before hipsters were a thing. I saw myself as very "other" in high school, and these shoes were an outward manifestation of that. They were unisex, and rock stars wore them: who didn't want to wear the same shoes as The Ramones, Curt Kobain, etc.? Heck, even Danny Zuko wore them when he joined the basketball team in Grease.
While I don't wear them on the daily as I did in my youth (as they're a little too casual for a "business casual" dress code), I'm still a big fan of these shoes. They're canvas (as a vegetarian, I try not to wear leather), cute, and they come in tons of fun colors (though bright blue might cause me to lose some of my hipster cred).
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I broke these babies out for Casual Friday a few weeks back. I like that they add a pop of color to an otherwise bland outfit. |
T. Bob knows of my love for Chucks, so in 2008 he got me the ultimate birthday gift: a personalized pair. Six years later, they're a little worse for wear, but still very special to me. This pair, and Chucks in general, will always have a place in my heart (or at least my closet).
Yes, my husband calls me Lady Pie. And no, it doesn't have anything to do with that other "lady pie." |
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
I have returned!
Playa Norte – probably the best beach I've ever been to, and it was right in front of our condo complex. |
Well, I've spent about two days back in the real world after Mexico, and I didn't love it. Beach > work. Always and forever. But a girl's gotta make a living, so I have (reluctantly) returned to Colorado. It was about 15 degrees the night we arrived home, but it has since warmed to the upper 50s. Still not quite as nice as the beach, though.
Isla Mujeres was absolutely amazing. We had one rainy afternoon/evening, but otherwise the weather was gorgeous – clear skies and sunshine every day. The island itself was great – it's only about 20 minutes from Cancun by ferry, but it has a much more small-town feel. There are still plenty of restaurants and shops, but it has less of a party vibe, which I preferred (after all, I am old now).
We stayed in a condo at Nautibeach; they have a rental pool but I ended up finding a deal through Orbitz. It was nice to have a kitchen and more space than a hotel room. We rented a golf cart one day (a common mode of transportation) and made a trip to the grocery store, so we prepared our own breakfasts and lunches and only ventured downtown (easily within walking distance) for dinner. The condo itself was bright and beach-themed, and the staff at the complex was great. They have a nice pool, but I never used it, as we were steps from the beach.
Overall, it was so nice to just relax, unplug, and take it easy for a week. It was the perfect way to celebrate my 30th. And it was great to spend some time with my mom and sister; we all seem to only get busier as the years go by, and it was really special to have that time together. Since I was unplugged, I wasn't terribly focused on documenting the trip photographically, but here are some of the pictures I did manage to take.
Lin and Mom walking around the reef at Punta Sur. |
Iguana. There were a bunch of these guys sunning themselves at the sculpture park. |
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Sweaty me enjoying an ice-cold coconut. The change in climate was a bit of a shock. |
Lin feeding her leftovers to the stray cats (and dog) of the island. I think they're fairly well-fed, as they had zero interest in her grilled-vegetable sandwich. |
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What I looked like for most of the week. Parked on the beach in my giant sun hat. The only thing missing is my book – I had to put it down to take a selfie. |
Pups playing on the beach. They chased each other in and out of the water, which was pretty adorable. |
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A south-of-the-border take on Bronco orange and blue. |
The monkey tree on Hidalgo (kind of a pedestrian mall of sorts, home to lots of shops and restaurants). |
Paying homage to my blog ad (currently running at Living in Yellow), but the beach was too sandy for Chucks. Those are sand-flea bites on my legs/feet – AKA the worst bites I've ever had. Word to the wise: Do not eat dinner on the beach. Sitting in the sand in the dark resulted in all of the bug bites. I've only just stopped itching 24/7. |
Lin waiting to take the ferry back to Cancun. She is not happy to be leaving. |
View from the ferry. |
Mexican flag in Cancun. I never saw it up close, but given its size compared to surrounding buildings, it must be huge! |
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