Now that it's December, I feel the holiday season has officially begun (I know it's already been Christmas for several weeks for some people, but I always like to hold off until after Thanksgiving to give turkey day its due). My weekend activities would certainly reflect that: I watched a couple of Christmas/winter movies (Frozen and Elf), put our Christmas tree up, ate some peppermint sticks, and started shopping for gifts.
Typically, I love Christmas. I spend a day baking around 10,000 cookies, and I plan out holiday shows and choir concerts to go to every weekend. I really like getting people gifts, particularly the excitement of picking out something I know they'll enjoy. And I love spending time with my family and friends who come home for the holidays. But as much as I want to be excited about this holiday season, I'm not. Maybe I'll get there as it draws closer, but right now I'm not really into it. I'm doing things I usually enjoy in hopes that they'll get me pumped about what's to come, but thus far it's not working.
Possible reason for my lack of Christmas spirit. |
Maybe it's the fact that I'm getting a cold and not feeling awesome, or my dread of freezing temperatures (highs in the teens here starting Wednesday!). Or maybe I'm turning into a curmudgeon in my old age. But my Christmas spirit is definitely MIA. I'm hopeful I'll find it at some point in the next three weeks, but until then, I'll try to keep the Scrooge-like behavior to a minimum. If you have any tips on getting into the holidays (or you feel the same way and want to get together and shout "Bah! Humbug!" at people), please feel free to share. Happy Monday, y'all!
This is going to sound like Pollyanna, but what usually gets me in the spirit is doing something for someone else - even if it's just a little something. Eggnog (definitely the lite version, the regular is too heavy) or a holiday Starbucks of some kind might flip the internal fa-la-la-la-la switch. Also, the movie "Grumpy Old Men" is a fun holiday movie to watch when one is feeling curmudgeonly!