Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Confession Wednesday

I kind of love the random factoids that come out in these confession posts. And while I don't have anything particularly naughty to confess, here's some random things I've been thinking about lately:

- I would pay an obscene amount for Honeycrisp apples. They're currently $3.99 a pound at Target, when you can buy other perfectly good apples for like $1.79, but I will totally fork over that much cash for them. Deee-licious.

- For the past few weeks, I've been having very vivid dreams every night. They usually start out pretty realistic, involving something I was thinking about before I went to sleep, and either stay mundane (my boss emails me and I learn I have a lot to do the next day) or go totally off the rails (my dad is trying to murder my friend from high school and I'm trying to help him escape from their house by directing him to different exits). Keeps my non-waking hours interesting, at least.


- I haven't been working out. Like, at all. I just can't bring myself to go to the damn gym. I don't know where this aversion started, but hopefully I get over it soon.


- I've eaten a lot of weird sweets lately, like: Root Beer Float Chips Ahoy (good), Birthday Cake M&Ms (not so good), and this gluten-free, vegan cookie dough I got from Costco (absolutely terrible. There's something about gluten-free stuff that just tastes wrong to me).

- I am clumsy as shit. Last night, I was putting my seat covers back on my car (I washed them in a fit of spring cleaning). I had moved the seat all the way forward to reach the straps in the back, and I could see that, but I still tried to sit down as I normally would. Turns out my ass doesn't fit into the car with the seat pulled up to the steering wheel, and I have a gigantic bruise in the middle of my thigh to remind me of that fact. Eesh.

Linking up with Kat on this wonderful Wednesday! What do YOU have to confess?


  1. i hate the gym; i refuse to step foot in one because of the all the douche canoes who go there. how about a nice walk or hike outside?

    thanks for linking up!

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

    1. Thanks for hosting! I found your blog via another blogger I read who links up, and you are hilarious! :) I have been going for walks a lot, but I feel bad because there is no strength training happening. But at least there's something.

  2. You should try the Chips Ahoy salted caramel cookies! Yum!!

    1. Ooh, those sound delicious, I'll have to keep an eye out. Thanks for the tip! :)

  3. Once I hit a point where I didn't want to go to my gym, I switched. I figured out that it was mainly the morons there that I just couldn't stand. I.e. the idiots who would just stand around and hog all of the machines and the teenagers claiming to be proper trainers. LOL yeaahhhh right.

    1. Ooh, that's a good idea. Waiting in line for treadmill gives me the rage like nothing else, so that could be exactly what I need to do. Thanks!
