Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Return of Confession Wednesday

The hilarious Kathy has resurrected Humpday Confessions, so I must join! Let's jump right in.

FIRST: There is a radio station in Denver that does Confession Wednesday, and has for years. So even though I know this linkup is called Humpday Confessions, it will forever be Confession Wednesday to me. Same same.

- Speaking of not knowing the names of things, I love the show Silicon Valley. However, whenever I tell anyone how cool it is, I call it Workaholics, a show I have never seen. EVERY. TIME.  Some of my friends have even started watching Workaholics on my recommendation. Oops.

- I saw this Dad Joke Survivors thing on Facebook the other day, and I laughed way too hard at all the corny jokes. Particularly the constipation one. Also told it to my friend and couldn't even wait for the punchline before I started giggling uncontrollably.

- We let someone go at work a few weeks ago, and (maybe this makes me the worst person ever) I'm really glad. We work so much better as a team without her, and the overall attitude/vibe is more positive. Sorry I'm not sorry?

- The other day I bought Kraft mac and cheese and cookie dough at Target, and the cashier was like "Ooh, your kids are gonna love you tonight!" Nope, no kids at my house, lady. Just poor life choices and a taste for powdered cheese.

That's all I've got for now. Hopefully I be back with more embarrassing facts about myself next week!

More Coffee Less Talky

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! man, do i miss boxed craft and cheese. i used to buy extra powder at bulk barn to add to it!!!

    Thanks for linking up!
