Monday, December 28, 2015

The only diet I've ever stuck with ...

I like to think I'm pretty good with money. I set a budget and I tend to stick to it. But I had a bit of an indiscretion this fall. The bonus offer on the Southwest credit card has been calling to me for years now, and I finally signed up. And while I was totally willing to use my credit card instead of cash for three months to get those sweet bonus points, it was harder for me to stay on-budget without actual cash in hand. It wasn't a spending free-for-all (and I have several free flights in my future, so WORTH IT), but now I want to get back on track.

How am I going to do that? By joining the January Money Diet! Eliza of Happy Simple Living is a dear friend of my mom's, and an all-around amazing woman, and she hosts this annual challenge. The goal is to eliminate all unnecessary spending for one month.

I've done the diet twice (or three times?) previously, and it can be tough. But we're not talking "how many days in a row can I eat ramen?" tough, I promise. Eliza walks you through the month with tips to make it fun and several thought-provoking posts. It really made me watch where I put my money, and consider if I was getting the best use out of it.

ADDED BONUS: Each time I've done the money diet, I've saved around $500, and that's a nice chunk of change. I paid my biannual car insurance one year, and used it to start a "vacation fund" another. I'm excited to try it again as a single person, and I hope you'll join me. You can sign up here. Cheers to starting the new year off in a mindful manner!

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