Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Confession Wednesday

Hey y'all! It has been a minute. But I'm happy to be back, for sheez. Today's confession is a little more serious than previous installments, but I think it's time to get it off my chest.

 So, I'm getting divorced. T. Bob and I have decided that we will be happier and healthier if we're not a couple, so we are moving forward with our lives as individuals. We were together for eight years (all of my post-college, adult life), so adjusting to life on my own has had its challenges, but overall it's been a positive change. I'm confident that this is for the best, and I'm hopeful that we will remain friends.

 The separation was the main cause of my radio silence for the past few months -- it was hard to figure out how I was feeling, let alone what I wanted to share with the world (or, you know, the dozen or so people who read this blog). But now that things are resolved (or on their way there, at least), I want to get back to living my life and sharing my adventures with all of you.

 That's all I've got for today. As usual, linking up with the hilarious Kat at Vodka and Soda for Humpday Confessions.

Vodka and Soda


  1. It sounds like you are doing what is best for both of you and I applaud that. I promise it gets easier although I'm sure you're probably sick of hearing that!

  2. A whole new chapter, sometimes new beginnings can be really exciting. I had a long term relationship of 7 years and when I finally broke it off, it was great. I had a good time and then I met my now husband so it all worked out for the best :) Good luck.

  3. I got a divorce last year and it was really the best thing I've ever done for myself (besides having my children) Im so much happier now.

  4. Breaking up is hard even when you know its right! God for you for doing what you need to :)

  5. if you think that's the best for you/your life, then that's what best. life is too short to be miserable!!

    thanks for linking up!

    Vodka and Soda
