Monday, November 23, 2015

The Thing I Remember From Church

I haven't been to church in ages, but when I was growing up, I went regularly. And there was one thing the pastor said each week that stuck with me. After the greeting and announcements, he would say, "Let us quiet our hearts and minds for worship." And while I'm not exactly religious these days (sorry, Jesus), I still really like the concept of intentionally clearing mental and emotional clutter.

A quiet mind is not something that comes easily to me. Sometimes I struggle to finish a sentence because I've already moved on to another thought. When I'm ready for bed at night, I make a conscious effort to stop thinking and focus on sleep, otherwise I'll be up for hours. It's very easy for me to get caught up in my thoughts.

Fortunately, this past weekend allowed me some quiet moments. Maybe it was the fact that I didn't have much planned and had the luxury of lounging in bed each morning. Or the snow that fell Friday evening; a fresh coat of white over everything always gives me a sense of calm. Whatever it was, my heart and mind were at peace, and I remembered some important truths.

- I shouldn't be afraid to tell people that I care about them. In all relationships, but particularly when it comes to romance. It seems like modern dating culture has really embraced apathy, and I'm tired of it. Not telling people how you feel because you want to "keep it casual" or you're afraid they won't feel the same way doesn't make your feelings go away. And stifling them certainly doesn't make me feel good.

- I have an amazing life. I tell myself I should read more, be better informed on current events, find a boyfriend, exercise more, etc. And I'm sure doing those things would enhance my life. But when I sweep out all the shoulds, I find that I am happy with things as they are. Not to get too too hokey on you, but this here country song sums up my feelings pretty beautifully.

I hope that this moment of clarity will shape my outlook as we enter the holiday season, and I will remember to be joyful, show gratitude, and express my love for others. Amid the stressors and frivolity the coming weeks will bring, I would urge you all to take a moment to tune in to what's on your mind and in your hearts. It's powerful stuff.

I'll sign off before things get too preachy up in here. Peace.