Hey kids. It's been a minute, as per usual. I find time most days to read the blogs I like, but I rarely feel compelled to write anything here. But that's OK, ya know? I feel fine about the fact that I've been doing more living than documenting these days.
Speaking of L-I-V-I-N, I leave for my first not-on-this-continent trip in nearly a decade tomorrow. My friend Mrs. Val asked if anyone wanted to go to Thailand with her on Facebook a while back, and I said yes. So to Thailand (and Cambodia) we shall go. I've packed my backpacking pack with a very minimal amount of clothing, several snacks (as the vegetarian options might be iffy), and plenty of bug spray. I'm ready to rock and roll.
I'm a little nervous, though. Not really about the trip, but about what the trip means. Having adventures like this is something I've always wanted to do, but never really done. Deep down, I'm worried I'll hate it and long for the suburban comforts of home. And if I do hate it, what does that mean about who I am? That I'm content to live a sheltered, predictable life? I don't want to be that girl. And I don't think I am that girl. But I've gotten pretty comfortable with my monotony.
So this trip is kind of a test. Can I be the free-spirited, confident person of my dreams? Or should I accept my destiny as a cubicle-working basic bitch? I guess we'll find out in the next two weeks.