Wednesday, October 14, 2015

That Time I Got Ghosted By CDOT

So, I've been having a relationship with the Colorado Department of Transportation. It all began when they gave me a  sticker that allows me to take the HOV/express lanes fo' free! I have been lucky enough to have one of said stickers for about a year and a half, after about a year on the waiting list (#blessed). It enables me to battle a bit less traffic anytime I need to get anywhere during rush hour, and it was pretty much a life/sanity-saver when I was commuting.

All of the sudden, with no warning, CDOT pulled the plug on our little situation and left me with $38 in toll charges. I've tried calling, emailing, checking in with mutual friends (aka ExpressToll, the company that wants my money) and ... nothing. They are ghosting the shit out of me, and I'm not happy about it. I'm not usually bothered by ghosting in the dating realm (because if you don't care enough to let me know you don't want to see me anymore, we probably weren't a great match to begin with), but this is some bullshit. I need to know WHY, dammit!

I'm now going to move on to happier topics so I don't have a rage blackout. Blergh.

Hulu, I am in love with you right now. The commercial-free option is absolutely worth the extra $4 a month. Also, have you seen Casual? It's one of their original shows, and it's great. Funny, sex-positive, and Mindy's hot sports-agent boyfriend (from The Mindy Project) is in it -- what's not to like? 

I got promoted at work, and it's pretty great. I've been meeting with employees and plotting ways to increase accuracy and efficiency. I can't remember the last time I was this jazzed about my job.

My Entertainment Weekly subscription expired in July, but they haven't stopped sending them to me yet. I'm not mad about it.

Yeah, that's all I got. I am officially the worst at blogging now. 

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